Harbinsons Rentals and Property Management

Harbinsons Rentals and Property Management

Why Choose Harbinsons?

We go out of our way to make sure you can relax and enjoy the benefits of owning an investment property.

We understand how important financial peace of mind is and voluntarily have our non-interest bearing Trust account audited once a year.

Focus is on being proactive rather than reactive to minimise vacancies and preventable repairs.

We don’t just manage your property, we manage your investment and help you maximise the potential of your property portfolio. 

We recognise that each landlord’s needs are different and being owner operated means we are able to tailor a specific solution to suit your needs.

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Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5.00pm, Saturday contactable by phone
Address 4/14 Maheke St, St Heliers, Auckland
Website http://www.harbinsons.co.nz/
Phone 095850324
Email kelly@harbinsons.co.nz